New Metrics & Capsim Bring Business Simulations to Oman
As part of the ongoing efforts to provide innovative learning and development solutions in the Sultanate, New Metrics has officially joined hands with Capsim, a Chicago-based E-learning company and global leader in computer-based business simulation technology and services. The partnership aims to offer companies and higher education institutions in Oman and beyond a unique learning experience through engaging simulations across a range of business acumen and strategy topics.
Business simulations provide an immersive yet risk-free learning environment where participants have the chance to apply theory in a real-world-like setting. Depending on the task, participants work individually or in small groups to complete simulated tasks focusing on topics including operations, sales, pricing, forecasting, HR, marketing and finance.
Commenting on the partnership, New Metrics CEO Mohamed Debouk said, “We are pleased to partner with Capsim to add business simulations to our growing portfolio of learning and development services. Simulations are widely used in the world’s leading business schools and executive leadership programs and so we are pleased to bring this unique tool to Oman. There are simulations suitable for all experience levels, from first-year university students to corporate senior management, making it a perfect tool to support companies in their executive learning and development as well as bridging the gap between real-world experience and the classroom for higher education institutions.”
“The simulations provide learning experiences that mimic real-life business environments, allowing participants to safely try, fail, and learn. Time pressure and competition from peers add a layer of complexity that increases participants’ engagement. Participants see the immediate results of their decisions on the entire value chain of their simulated project, and in doing so gain a holistic rather than siloed view of business and organisations,” he added.
The simulations are facilitated by New Metrics consultants with extensive experience managing teams and projects internationally. The consultants help to guide participants through the tasks and lead the debrief sessions to reflect on decisions made and lessons learned. To learn more about business simulations, contact us at 2440 9904 or [email protected].
This article was also published in the Muscat Daily.